Sunday, June 20, 2010

Technology Issues Put a Halt on Blogging

It feels like forever since I've created a new post. Our computer went capoot on us a few months ago and not until this week did we replace it. I purchased Brandon (or should I say Penelope purchased) a computer for Father's Day and he was very pleased with our choice. While years past we've been a labtop family, we are now proudly desktop owners. And thus the reason I can now blog again!
So this week is a VERY important week. We have been in party planning mode for some time now and all our efforts will be displayed on Saturday at our precious baby girls FIRST birthday!!
Time has FLOWN by! Penelope is so close to walking. Her little steps amount to getting from one specific spot, falling, then getting back up to get to the next destination. She breaks up her long routes with little breaks! And if that doesn't get her fast enough she's very content with using her walker toy.
But something tells me we'll have a little walker by Friday.
I'm so happy to be blogging again to keep everyone updated on my precious Penelope and I can't wait to post pictures from her party.