Penelope's first birthday surpassed all my expectations. The stress of creating a 1st birthday was all consuming. We wanted her birthday party to encompass how wonderful she is and how blessed we are to have an AMAZING daughter.
My family came in as well as Terri and the girls. The night before the big shebang, everyone went into fiesta work mode.
Gina and Angela took charge of the pink chocolate covered strawberries. I unfortunately was not successful in melting the chocolate in the double boiler (as I've done in the past) so it was such a relief when Gina took the initiative and melted it in the microwave. Not to self: if I ever attempt to melt chocolate and don't want it to look like some thick chocolate queso, MELT IN THE MICROWAVE!
Kim got to mixing up the cupcake batter and baking them while I was on mom duty and doing minor things. Penelope was extremely excited about her birthday party and wanted to join the preparation party so she woke up and joined everyone.
After all 80 something cupcakes were done baking, the beautiful pink and purple strawberries were put in the fridge, and decorations were put up, everyone called it a night, went home and headed to bed.
Saturday morning came quick and as the party time approached, people started to arrive. Penelope was all dolled up in her pink and brown petticoat outfit. She was absolutely beautiful. I couldn't believe that a year had passed. My little baby girl no longer looked like a baby, but a little girl. She was walking around and hamming it up for everyone.
She thoroughly enjoyed her cupcake (once she figured out that it was something she was supposed to put her in her mouth) and actually fell into a deep slumber towards the end of the party.
After the party ended, I realized that there didn't need to be all of this unnecessary stress of planning and preparing a birthday party. It turned out better than I could have ever imagined and even without the pink and purple tablecloths, flowers, and other decor, it would have been incredible. What truly mattered most was that all of our family and friends were here to share this wonderful celebration of Penelope turning a year.
Of course the planning was exhilarating ( I admit it, I went into full Tori Spelling party planning mode!) and I can definitely foresee myself having more anxiety in the future for a second birthday party or, dare I say it? A sweet sixteenth party. BUT that's WAAAAAAY off and we're not going to think of that quite yet.
If there's one thing I've learned in this year it's that days, weeks, and months go by so quickly. I love Penelope so much and I cherish every single second with her. Having a daughter has made me a better daughter to God, intensified my marriage, and given me a love that I never knew existed. Brandon and I are amazed every single day at how God has given us this angel for us to love.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Penelope's 1st Birthday
Posted by Emerald at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Technology Issues Put a Halt on Blogging
It feels like forever since I've created a new post. Our computer went capoot on us a few months ago and not until this week did we replace it. I purchased Brandon (or should I say Penelope purchased) a computer for Father's Day and he was very pleased with our choice. While years past we've been a labtop family, we are now proudly desktop owners. And thus the reason I can now blog again!
So this week is a VERY important week. We have been in party planning mode for some time now and all our efforts will be displayed on Saturday at our precious baby girls FIRST birthday!!
Time has FLOWN by! Penelope is so close to walking. Her little steps amount to getting from one specific spot, falling, then getting back up to get to the next destination. She breaks up her long routes with little breaks! And if that doesn't get her fast enough she's very content with using her walker toy.
But something tells me we'll have a little walker by Friday.
I'm so happy to be blogging again to keep everyone updated on my precious Penelope and I can't wait to post pictures from her party.
Posted by Emerald at 5:13 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
We've got a CRAWLER!
Well it's official, Penelope is a crawler! She started army crawling and NOTHING stops her from getting what she wants! It's so funny to watch her get from one end of the room to the other on her little belly. Her favorite things to crawl to are the remotes, computer and the fireplace. Brandon and I are staying firm with no remotes so as not to parent "outside the funnel." But may I say how HARD it is not to give her what she wants! The "no, no, no!" has begun and now I'm starting to understand why parents fall victims of giving into their child's every want and desire! Must stay strong! Here are some recent pictures of our baby girl beating the cold and modeling the bonnet we got her last year at the City Wide.
Posted by Emerald at 6:11 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 18, 2010
Can We Say DaDa?
As Penelope's seven month birthday arrives,we see her learning SO many new things. Her latest is babbling da-da and sitting by herself (most of the time!). But we OCCASIONALLY have the tipping back which we are then alerted by a little noise to "Please sit me back up!"
She loves her reading chair that Santa brought and I'm looking forward to watching her grow with it. I can't help but think that one day I'll walk in to see her sitting there by herself reading Fancy Nancy.
She's started solids and is doing AMAZING with them. I've chosen to make her baby food and I find such joy in it! We went to Central Market over the weekend and picked up fresh veggies and fruit. I'm very proud of how well she's doing and how accepting she is of all veggies and fruit. I'm so glad she's not like her daddy in THIS department! I hope this is a sign of what's to come in the future and her and I can share yummy veggie pizza and mushroom and onion omelets!
Here are a few new pics of our precious Penelope!
Posted by Emerald at 5:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 4, 2010
And A New Year Begins...
I can't believe it's 2010! Penelope's first Christmas was AMAZING to say the least. We spent time in Houston and Penelope got to visit with Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Stu and Aunt Autumn. There were several memorable firsts made while we were there. Such as Penelope's first taste of a blueberry sucker that Grandma gave her which made her tongue blue. Her very own first beebee gun which may I add is PINK (Grandpa did good!). And her first taste of a pickle which she will undoubtedly be having more of.
She loved playing the piano with Grandpa and who knows, may end up like her Great Grandma and have a knack for playing it by ear.
The day before Christmas Eve we returned home to prepare for Christmas Eve festivities at Aunt Jackie's.
Penelope truly looked like an angel in her Christmas green dress with her darling red cardigan. And naturally she topped the outfit off with a stunning white bow. Penelope participated in the cousin gift exchange and received the most adorable longhorn tshirt tutu.
Brandon and I had fun in the Chinese gift exchange. Brandon put himself in charge of purchasing the gifts for the game and brought to the table a rice maker and a deep fryer. I knew even before we began playing that we'd be bringing home that deep fryer. Was I right? Or course.
I can't believe how quickly Christmas came and left. We're starting a whole new year with so many things to look forward to. Penelope's first word, her first birthday, crawling, walking, and so many more things that this year holds. I wish I could pocket every single minute so I could cherish them forever. God has blessed me more than words can even begin to describe...
Posted by Emerald at 6:53 PM 0 comments